DELTA SORTA WOMAN is inspired by my love of the Sacramento River Delta and of the Mississippi River Delta: May they thrive with LIFE forever!
I'm a Delta Sorta Woman
Got Delta in my blood
River keeps me churnin'
Through it's silty livin' muds
Gotta keep on singin'
Gotta live the Songs
Rivers meet the Oceans
Delta Life ain't Long
But Delta Livin's Wide, darlin'
Delta Livin's Fast
Days and Nights in Deltas
Baby: Last, an' Last an' Last
WHITE WOMAN DOCENT is about beginning to be a Docent at Grinding Rock State Park, just fifteen minutes down the road from us...a good place, that The People themselves find conflicts of their lives within...there is never much rest in that remaining places of the Native Miwok, here in Upcountry....
Upcountry is Home...
Live here with the Jays, tall Trees -
Whistle on this Wind...
Long before I'm here,
Folk were here grinding Acorn -
Left holes in black stones....
Elderberry here -
Make clappersticks click and clack!
Thud of woodearth Drum...
Death is here plenty -
Cold winter to each deep bone -
Spring clover revives...
Gather in these seeds -
Dig for bulbs, roots, earthy foods -
Pass on old ways - proud...
You have eyes unmet:
Your focus is far away -
It's as it should be...
Long ago, Gold came -
Long ago, miners came, too -
Took gold, earth, water...
Can't erase these scars -
Can't give back your life, old ways...
Can't breathe for your Dead...
Long after we leave,
Earth will not forget, forgive...
You will not forget...
Upcountry knew Life -
Knew no slaughter - knew good years -
You will not forgive...
Today, my fingers
Print out in words on paper -
Not onto black stone...
I prepare to tell
Your story of lives, of deaths -
Since you will not speak....
Forgive what I know -
Forget what I do not know...
Stories have their way:
Long after I'm gone
Long after even You leave:
Stories live Lives here!
Oak sings them - these Stones
Tell these stories without Fear...
Hope is here, is Here....
Upcountry is Home...
Live here with the Jays, tall Trees -
Whistle on this Wind...
Long before I'm here,
Folk were here grinding Acorn -
Left holes in black stones....
Elderberry here -
Make clappersticks click and clack!
Thud of woodearth Drum...
Death is here plenty -
Cold winter to each deep bone -
Spring clover revives...
Gather in these seeds -
Dig for bulbs, roots, earthy foods -
Pass on old ways - proud...
You have eyes unmet:
Your focus is far away -
It's as it should be...
Long ago, Gold came -
Long ago, miners came, too -
Took gold, earth, water...
Can't erase these scars -
Can't give back your life, old ways...
Can't breathe for your Dead...
Long after we leave,
Earth will not forget, forgive...
You will not forget...
Upcountry knew Life -
Knew no slaughter - knew good years -
You will not forgive...
Today, my fingers
Print out in words on paper -
Not onto black stone...
I prepare to tell
Your story of lives, of deaths -
Since you will not speak....
Forgive what I know -
Forget what I do not know...
Stories have their way:
Long after I'm gone
Long after even You leave:
Stories live Lives here!
Oak sings them - these Stones
Tell these stories without Fear...
Hope is here, is Here....
Woke Up late this morning, from a night of allergies and joint aches, but woke up happy, as usual, because MUSIC was going on in my home, as usual, being played by Den...a song came to my mind and heart and lips and I was humming and then singing...and it occured to me, as I wrote this comment to Billy, Tim, and Jeff, three of my Music Lads who I care for mightily, that I wanted to share this Thought about Music Folks and their psyches and how they make it through every day of their lives...here's what I wrote to them:
"...may I add: MUSIC is So Essential to how most of us describe our own selves to our own selves, that Our Music and Our Breathing have become synonyms for us. We cannot live, 'well', without Music, and won't, and will learn Music and hear Music and 'practice' Music, and rehearse Music, and share Music, and write Music, and perform Music, and even pray' Music, until Time takes Music away from us. That's just the Way It Is for most of us. Our 'Egos' ARE Music. Amenski."
so there you are...happy Cinco Day, California! Sing On and Play On and Radio On! Kat
A COLLECTION OF HAIKU all submitted onto Facebook was my Writing Work for April...they'll all appear here...need to organize their busy lives, so that they can live on these pages too....
April was Haiku
One after the other, yes
And all on Face Book...
I will post them soon...
There's no rush - they are woven
Into my deep dreams....
One after the other, yes
And all on Face Book...
I will post them soon...
There's no rush - they are woven
Into my deep dreams....
a COPY of Den's and My MUSIC BIO, for KQBM...where we now have our Radio Broadcast...DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN, on Fridays from 6-8PM PST LIVE STREAM on www.kqbm.org as part of the Wonderful KQBM 90.7 FM...Blue Mountain Community Radio, out of West Point, California....happy sighs.....
Dear Folks,
Two years ago the collaborations of Dennis McCue and Kat Everitt
brought about a combo that brought diversity to the open mike stage
of the San Francisco East Bay Community...
A combination of musical genres reflecting folk beginnings and
melodic new twists to pop songs.
Denny’s classical musical background began in brass instruments,
winning several awards, including the nationally recognized John
Philip Sousa Award; and then progressed to the musical stage, with
his performing in twenty theatrical productions. Leaving that behind,
he toured with his folk group through Europe and also another
European tour with the St. Charles Madrigal Singers.
In the Navy he was accepted into the Marine Corp. band, but instead
chose to tour with the Navy Bluejackets Choir doing concerts through
out the Midwest, while he served in the Naval Air Command.
The succeeding years found him playing in Bluegrass groups, and
studying at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago on Guitar
and Banjo. While in Chicago, he studied under banjo master Michael
J. Miles; and performed with Pete Seeger in Chicago; as well as
singing the National Anthem in several ball parks, including the
Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field.
Kat Everitt comes from the same Classic back ground as well, and
performed lead rolls in the musical theater. She also conducted
several Irish and Alpine singing groups in the Bay Area, for about a
decade. Kat performed Solo Irish Music for over five years. She is a
valued back up singer to several performing groups in the Bay Area.
As a California Credentialed K/12 Multiple Subjects Teacher, Kat
also taught and directed Singing/Performing Groups for ages twelve
through eighteen for over a decade. She also has written scores of
Lyrics, twenty of which have be given their melody by Song Writers
in the Bay Area, and are performed regularly at venues in the Bay.
Both of us are very interested in Radio. Kat performed in radio for
years as a child, and loves the medium...Both of us are personable,
articulate, experienced performers, who would love to share all the
wonderful musical selections, artists, genres and performances we
have known and loved for so many years. In addition, we have a
wealth of Friends who are Performers, Singers and Musicians and
Song Writers, who would be willing and able to perform Live on any
‘Show’ we put into production. We would be happy to work with the
Local Performers of the Counties reached by KQBM, to have them
perform for our ‘Show’ frequently.
We intend to call our ‘Show’: DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN.
Our Production would be Americana Music, meaning songs and
instrumentals from the Old Timey Music genre; Fifties R and B
genre; through the Folk Period Revival of the Sixties; into the Blues
from the early decades through today; Country and Western;
Bluegrass; and more ‘folksy’ Jazz, such as Dixieland, even! The
Music is historical and American in orgin...we’d be commentating as
we went along throughout the Production. We anticipate the ‘Show’
to be at least a halfanhour
long, at least once a week, at a good
spot, if we could, as we believe there is a very large
audience of folks who would enjoy this music very much, in our
Mountain Communities. We would be happy to consider more time in
Production, if the Radio needed our Programming.
We are delighted to be a part of the Mountain Music Community and
the rich historical and musical heritage tradition around us. We hope
to be part of your Airwaves, as DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN, in
many positive and productive ways, all in service of Music!
The Simple History of my work as a School Teacher for twenty years...lives are old resumes much of the time...I'll post my Nursing One soon...that one's a Peach!....
Kathleen A. Everitt
2007 – September, 2012: WEST WIND ACADEMY, Berkeley,
California – Full time; to Part-time, Spring, 2012
Credentialed Multiple Subject K-12 Teacher and
Single Subject Health Credential: current through 2013; Dean of Students for
two years: English and Literature and Social Studies Teacher for thirty
Students ages four through eighteen in a State Registered Private School
Setting: Developed and taught all Curriculums for all Grades according to
tested California State Standards every year: averaged 85% and above for all
students each year in the English CSS testing - covering all required Curriculums for High
School Graduation standards for the
State of California as well; School Cal-licensed RN
I initiated and taught the English/Literature/Social Studies
Curriculum for West Wind Academy, which I taught fulltime until Spring of 2012,
when I was down-sized to two days a week, due to economic down-turns by the
West Wind Schools Systems. At that time,
I taught as the Social Studies Teacher for Grades 3 through 12; and the
Advanced Composition Teacher for Grade 12 Students.
I would like to move on
to part-time Teaching, since I was laid off due to the Schools’ financial needs,
in September of 2012, partly to allow time to develop my third career choice:
Free-lance Writer and Lyricist. I would also enjoy job-sharing as a Teacher on
any level of Kindergarten through 12th Grade, for two to three days
a week. I’ve also been exploring options as an on-line Teacher and/or as a
Tutor in my home or others homes, or on-line.
I have now moved to Pioneer, California, as of late October,
2012, to attempt to reduce expenses in a more rural area to live, and to
attempt to semi-retire.
Refer to Mr. Christian Thompson, Principal, at 510-841-1426
or 510-601-1661, at West Wind Academy
1994 – 2007: ORINDA ACADEMY, Orinda, California – Full-time
Credentialed Multiple-Subject K-12 Teacher/Single Subject
Health Credential: English and Literature 7-8; Health 10; Geography 9; Contemporary
Issues 10; Women’s Literature 10-12; Hiking PE 7-12; School RN; Chorus
Productions 7-12; Assistant Drama Productions Coach 7-12; Advisor for up to
twelve students each year; original
Curriculum Development approved by UC
Berkeley for Women’s Literature, Geography, Health, Chorus Production,
and Contemporary Issues Courses; School RN, Cal-licensed
Left to assist Mr. Christian Thompson, Owner and Principle,
in his founding of West Wind Academy, Berkeley, California
Refer to: Mr. Ron Graydon, Orinda Academy Director:
925-402-1117: Refer to my previous name: Kathleen Amann-Weitzer –
Completed Humanities
BA Equivalent; and Teaching Credentialing Year, through the Department of
Education; Student Teaching; Substitute Teaching 2002 through 2004 in Hayward
Schools: Credentialed K-12 Teacher, current, State of California
Before 2001: Worked for twenty-five years full-time and
sometimes part-time as a Registered Nurse in Illinois and in California. I
still hold an active RN license in the State of California, renewed every two
years. I am also a California State
Certified Public Health Nurse; I hold a BA in Public Health Services
Administration from St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California.
My extensive resume for employment as a Registered and
Certified Public Heath RN, is available on request, if needed.
BROADCAST PROPOSAL for UPCOUNTRY ALMANAC...For Blue Mountain Community Radio...Spring, 2013....
Radio Broadcast for KQBM 90.7 FM/Blue Mountain Community
Spring, 2013
UPCOUNTRY ALMANAC intends to fill the Purpose of INCLUSION:
drawing all Community Members of the Upper Hills Country of the Counties of
Calaveras, Amador, and Tuolumne Counties, most specifically, into a friendly
Network of Men, Women, and Children exploring Upcountry Life.
The Broadcast will
cover such subjects as: Community concerns, enjoyments, stories, nutrition
solutions, cultural traditions, lifestyles, events, recreation, seasonal
wonders, services, and personalities dear to the hearts of the unique
Communities within the Broadcast Reach of Blue Mountain Community Radio.
As host, I would divide this one hour-or-two broadcast into
four segments:
#1: My PERSONALLY SPEAKING commentary and bits of story and
music on current issues, events, concerns, recreations, seasonal observations,
and other interests of being a Woman in the Upcountry of the Foothills, in the
present – delivered in some prose, poetry, lyrical verse, and
conversational style, with some
folkloric focus, from my more country/small town background interests and
experiences over the years
#2: A pre-planned – sometimes even pre-recorded - COMMUNITY
INTERVIEW: a fifteen minute or more Interview
with a Community Member about their Work in our Communities, their personal and
ethnic approach to the Community Issues their work and perspectives address;
and connecting information and resources. I intend to include Community Members
who are well-known in a civic, social-justice, social services, health
community services, and/or geopolitical services, all the way to Men, Women,
and Children who have no formal credentials for speaking to and for their
Communities, but who have much to speak about in witness to the past, present,
and future projections and traditions of their Communities…
This is not proposed as a segment to exercise Political or
Religious Views, Beliefs, Endorsements, or Positions . These Interviews would
be crafted as an Introduction of the Wider Community to the ethnic, social
services, personal, and constructive Personalities of our Foothills
#3: Pre-planned,
often Community Based, RECIPES FOR LIFE:
PUTTING THINGS BY: A cheerful Recipe Sharing from my own Book: Putting Things
By: regarding preserving harvests and cooking simple, nutritious foods and
meals; with Community Guests (Cooks, Cookbook Writers, Ethnic Cooking
Specialists (i.e., Native American;
Italian; Cajun; etc.) and Community Garden’s Gardeners, sharing their
experiences, Recipes, and Cooking /Preserving
#4: STORY TELLERS TIME: Oral tradition: Reading s of Short Stories,
Serial Stories (continued over time); Poetry; and Children’s Literature: I, or
Guest Story Tellers from the Community: reading aloud these Printed
Recreational (again, not Political, Religious, Biased, or Prejudicial
Written Matter): to encourage Oral
Reading Skills, Listening Skills, and the encouragement of Local Story Tellers
in their Craft – especially for those for whom the Oral Tradition is a Cultural
Value as well – for example, our Native American Bands and Extended Communities
in the Foothills….
I would intend this Broadcast to cover an HOUR up to Two
Hours, if the Board thought it would be useful, of Live Stream and Live
Studio/on-the-dial time. At this time, I would appreciate input as to what Time
Slot would be most appropriate… and also, as to What Day of the Week would be
best. I am not available on Saturdays and Sundays for Broadcasting, at this
I intend to have a Show Theme Song, and Music changes in the
theme for each of the other three segments of the Broadcast. Den Mc Cue has
agreed to assist me in the Studio with theme songs changes, mic work with guest
Interviewees, Speakers, and Story Tellers, and with other Technical matters, to
facilitate fluid transitions.
My Credentials for hosting this Broadcast are:
I am a reasonably healthy Community Elder with a rich and
varied background in Social Services, in Rural and in Urban and in Small Town
Family Life:
I am the Mother of Three; Step mother of Three, Gramma of
Eleven, Step-Gramma of Eight; and Great
Gramma of Three.
I’m a California Licensed Registered Nurse, with active
service for over forty years; and am a California certificated Public Health
I’m a California K/12 Credentialed Multiple Subjects
Teacher, for twenty years.
I’m a published Lyrics Writer; and a Creative Writer of
Poetry primarily (I’ll be Reading two of my Poems at the Sacramento Poetry
Center Benefit this June 1st); with an active Writing Blog (http://kathyanneriverperson.blogspot.com/)
of over four hundred Written Works.
I have worked creatively with other ethnically diverse
Communities in the past: I would be happy to discuss my non-fiction writing and
community connections to Peoples with diverse Cultural and Ethnic Traditions
and Lives. I also have a rich Connection to younger people though Facebook and
other social networks, with around fifty plus Former Students who have remained
Friends with me since their graduations from high school. for decades.
I have over fifty years of experience as a Solo and
Back-up-Harmonies Singer, still actively performing; and around a decade’s
experience as a Dancer. I have a rich network of friends among the Performing
Communities of the Bay Area, and am forming these Connections here in
Upcountry. I am co-host with Den McCue for the KQBM Broadcast, DOWN FROM THE
MOUNTAIN, promoting and commenting on Americana Music and Performers, both
Local, and from the greater Community Base of the Valley and the Bay Area, in
our Live Stream capacity.
I have a great interest, over decades, in Local History and
Cultural Geography: my BA is in Public Health Administration; with a Second BA Equivalent
in Cultural Geography from Cal State Hayward. I am presently working with the Amador
County Historic Society, interviewing /recording Oral Histories for the
Upcountry Community of Eastern Amador County. I am also beginning work as a
Docent at Grinding Rock State Park. I am also just beginning to explore a two
hour/two days a week Tutoring position at Pine Grove Community Center, as a
I am a good cook, with an avid interest, having had a Farm
in my past, in Preserving of Foods, and in Cajun Cooking (my father was a ‘Quarter-Cajun’),
and love sharing Food Preparation information.
I am a personable Story Teller/Reader and a competent
Interviewer, and enjoy both skills very much.
As I am already a Broadcaster on KQBM, I am aware that my
proposal may not be accepted for me to be able to broadcast this Show, but
also, that it may fit a niche somewhere in the Programming , very well. If I
don’t meet the station’s needs at this time, I’m hoping the Board will keep the
IDEAS presented here, in a fresh place in your minds. Any one of these ‘Segments’
I presented, might make for a viable and useful Community Broadcast, for other
Broadcasters to consider producing.
Thanks for the many considerations always shown me by this
Board of this Fine Blue Mountain Community Radio Station!
Respectfully Submitted,
Kat Everitt
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