
CHRISTMAS SIXTY SEVENTH YEAR is a poem about Solstice and how this all feels....


The cold deep in my bones will not be sung
By crossing over this Ice this River Frozen
Solstice means Dark
Creature of Light with No Way to Live
In Frozen In Dark
Christmas Lights this year are not my best
He likes them White I like the Gold
We have White and Frosty
I'm Cold Most of the Time
Longing for Fire that does not
Go out I am occupied by shivers
Ice crackling and icicle-ing all over
The puddle outside is Ice All Ice
Still, you know, This Is Christmas
This Is All Light and Sun To Return
It's all Pagan and Fine an Unkempt
Hair of Angels and Tinsel and Fragile
The Sun to Come to Come Back
This Baby was probably born still
I Care Truly about the Light
The Light is what the word means
Christmas Light and Warmth and
No Dark or Cold anymore until
Next Winter, which will come
After the Sun

1 comment:

  1. Think of all the great "traditional," but not often played, Christmas Carols like "In the Deep Midwinter" and the "Wexford Carol," and the choice of an early Christianity witnessing to pagans whose hope rested on the return of "sun," and you see how the "change" from "darkness" to "light" figures into the beliefs of crazy Jews whose lives were changed by a Judean criminal executed by the Romans not quite a generation ahead of their near removal as a people in Israel. The Roman folks who almost blotted them out from history, also ironically transformed themselves into followers of that Judean Criminal, then transformed pagans into "post-Jews" as they promulgated the Judean criminal's religion. It's no accident that sun, dark, cold - and all the senses - are abundant in the Jewish-Roman-Pagan traditions.
