
THE ONLY HOUSE is a gentle Poem to honor my 'oldest friend' Barbara Burn's House and Home...where I have always been 'at home' and where I know where every single thing I need really is even tho most folks wouldn't be able to find their way about at all. but you know: I have been through the Looking Glass more than once. so this House is easily Home...for me and every body else who is quarter-past-silly a great deal of the time....


the only house
I've ever loved
has always been
these little houses
in the corny midwest
where Barbara Ann
aka BB of the Moment
Museum of stuff galore
lives and breathes

the little house
is stuff to the very gills
with treasures that a
child could love
and does when he comes
to visit and have a spot
of tea or when she wants
with all her little heart
to hold the hundred bears
close to her frilly little chest

all the corners are tiny wonder
worlds of magical creatures
cavorting about in scenes of
far away times when dear
childhood was one way to the
lands of imagine-nations
where things are definitely
much more cozy than they
ever are in adult mature land

where colorful is really wild
and wild creatures will never
harm you and poetry is the lingo
of the hour and there is just the
right amount of maple syrup
to be sweet and yet o wonder
still good for you

bet you think this is all hooey and
no such house exists but it does
and the icebox is full of holy things
that are like communion they are
so deliciously good for you only
don't tell anybody

and if you can't find what you need
in the house then you aren't being
with it and loving it because it will
open every door of every cupboard
for you if you let it sing by itself

this house does sing for you
every one of her houses sings
for you songs of love and warmth
of heart and good thinkin and good
lovin and learnin and livin yes
that is how it is when all the walls
are stuffed with books and pillows

and the cats own the joint just ask em
they have no respect but they do purr
when they get their way which is almost
all the time this is a cat house for sure
the sign of the paw is on the door

and plantings and flowers abound around
every season and seasonings fly about
in the kitchen where hodge podge is the
order of the day and the basement is
a wonderment of findings as is every
drawer where nothing is expected and yet
you may always expect wonder and get it

these are BB's houses all wrapped up
in one house and all improbable in a very
possible world that will welcome you in
to see the exhibits daily if you bring your
hoe and weed a spell in the back forty
or perhaps have a little something and
a small crock of honey along with you

being a guest in a place you belong
because it is kind and good in a mean and
sometimes unhappy planet where things be
dark and cold but here is light and sweet
in a sassy way and you are home
with BB and you are home and you are

home yes you are you are


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