
NEVER MIND THE RAINS are Lyrics that do not yet have a 'Home Port' to emerge from, out into the Seas of Songs in the Big World....

These Lyrics were written when I was in a Celtic sort-of-mood...so maybe their Music is off in the mist somewheres....let me know if you hear their Music and would like to do their arrangement and perform them! They are hopeful little Lyrics, in their way...the title is up-for-grabs as well...can't seem to see it...darn Celtic mists!....



Never mind the Rains, lad
Never mind the Rains -
I'll kiss you, lad, anyways:
Every day I can -
Just let me love you freely, lad,
And never mind the Rains

You've been off and runnin', dear one -
I've been runnin' too:
Got my rosy glasses on:
But all I see is Blue...
Rains are comin' on strong now:
Can hardly bear the Sun...
You heart flows with mine on rivers
Til the Rains are done....


Rains are comin' all around
They fall on leaf and tree -
Rains down all the flower's petals -
Toss the ships at sea...
The children, happy, sing the Rain -
From our backyard the same:
The organ of the waves at sea
Is laughin' with the Rain....


Surely sunny days will come by:
Fall in love again...
Fall in love over and over
While the clouds break up the sky...
We are crystal - we are silver -
Just mere raindrops...by and by,
We'll love fiercer than the sun can...
All Rains mean is just "Goodbye"....


1 comment:

  1. 'think I have a melody and accompaniment for this. But I haven't written it down.
    But I can record it on to YouTube and you can listen to it. Let me know your drothers. 'really like the lyrics, btw.
