
WATER-WAYS is a simple lyrics to an and-one-and-a-two-and-a three-and-a-four-and-a-one-and-a-two and so on rhythm...a halting waltz in my little boat of small life on this river going down to the very mighty seas...all the way down and over....


To belive in the night
Is to belive there's a day -
That there's waters in dreams...
And that dreams have their ways....
For the boat on this water
Holds my spirit, my dreams...
There is no where else I want to stray....

Where my young years reach these old years
Is an Eddy of dreams...
Where the fish, life has caught,
Escape into the stream
Of the water's own ways as it
Flies to huge seas -
Meets the land - and builds waves everyday....

There are waves, yes, there are eddies...
But mainly, there is Flow...
So I travel in frail boats
That must know where to go...
For there's always enough - even
Plenty, for me...tho there's years
When the waters run low....

I am old as the River...yet, I'm
New to these Seas...they are
Larger than Land...they are
Young Worlds for me...
So I row this small boat with my
Own simple style...and my life
goes along, mile by mile....

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